Build A Mobile App With Glide

Learn how to build a simple To Do List mobile app with Glide.

About the course

After taking the course, you’ll have all the skills you need to build a mobile app with Glide.

Course Details

Level: Beginner

Duration: 2-3 Hours

Lessons: 15+ Lessons

Access from any computer, table or mobile


You will learn how to build a To Do List mobile app, including the database, user interfaces, login and signup flows and design customization.


Database Architecture: Learn how to set up database tables that store and permission data for your users.

UI/UX Design: Learn how to design mobile pages and user flows with modern UI/UX practices.

User Authentication: Learn how to create a mobile application with logged in users, authentication and data permissions.




Section 1: Introduction

Lesson 1: Glide Overview

Lesson 2: Creating A Project

Lesson 3: Glide Editor Walkthrough

Section 2: Database

Lesson 1: Creating The Users Table

Lesson 2: Creating The Tasks Table

Section 3: Mobile Interface

Lesson 1: Creating The Tasks Page

Lesson 2: Editing The Tasks Collection

Lesson 3: Editing The Tasks Item Page

Lesson 4: Fine Tune Adding Tasks

Lesson 5: Creating The Login Page

Section 4: Design & Testing

Lesson 1: Customizing The App Experience

Lesson 2: Testing & Publishing The App


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